Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How To Replace A Motherboard

I know it's possible to fix a motherboard but what if it can't be fixed and you have to replace the faulty motherboard with a new one? To perform this replacement, you need to thoroughly understand how the components in the laptop work. Failure to do that and you could put your laptop permanently out of commission. Make sure you back up all your personal data as well before you commence.

Here is how to replace a motherboard:

Things Needed For This Exercise:
  • Phillips-head screwdriver
  • Pliers
  • New motherboard
Unplug All Power Resources
Unplug all power sources to your laptop and unscrew the screws securing the laptop casing , then put the screws in a bowl so they don't get lost. Now remove all the connections to the motherboard-i.e video card, data cables for the hard drive, and adapters. If you are memory challenged, label each one of the components so you can remember exactly where they attach to your new motherboard.

 Take Out Old Motherboard
Take out the old motherboard by removing the screws and sliding it out. Be careful when sliding it out  to avoid any damage. Take out cut-outs for integrated sound or game ports and then slide the wires in.  Do this with a Phillips screwdriver or pliers Then put the new motherboard in the laptop case. Makes sure it lines up properly with the case before connecting it.  Next use the seven screws to secure the motherboard.

Attach Drivers Drives and Power Connectors
You then attach the adapters, drives, and power connectors to the motherboard. Locate where you labelled everything and install them in the same places you dislodged them previously.Finally, Put the laptop case back on and turn the power supply on.
That's a wrap on "How To Replace  A Motherboard." 

Till then take care

If you are here and you want to learn how to fix laptops as a career or past time, Download Laptop Repair Made Easy

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