Monday, September 26, 2011

Remove the Clutter from Your Laptop Hard Disk

One fine day you're working on your HP laptop(must be about 5yrs) when all of a sudden, it just stops working. Immediately, you assume ' Okay it must be the motherboard." But then you realises it's so slow to the point where it is crawling like a tortoise and your Norton antivirus pick up high CPU usage just for scanning your laptop. This is driving you nuts to the point where you want to turn your old laptop in and get a new one. Don't give up on it yet. There is just too m,uch clutter on your laptop. Let's see how we are going to remove the clutter from your laptop hard disk.

1. Uninstall Norton and its components(You don't need it.)
2. Instead, download the following:Malware Bytes, CCleaner, Auslogics Disk Defrag, Microsoft Security Essentials.
3. Install the aforementioned programs.

Now I'm gonna show you how to remove the clutter from your laptop hard disk using the above programs

First, MalwareBytes finds and cures any existing infections on your laptop. And even better, it's free. Make sure it's fully updated when doing the scan.

Next is CCleaner. This tool cleans out all your unwanted temporary files, log files and so on.

Let's move on to the auslogics program. This performs the Defrag an d optimize function. It helps speed up the laptop.  To install this program. Select the 'Defrag and Optimise option in your laptop's Control partner.

Lastly,  Microsoft Security Essentials is another great antivirus. Even better than Norton. Install this toll whichever way you like in terms of options.

Hope this helps.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to Replace a Cracked Laptop Screen.

One fine day, you are busy browsing and chatting online on your laptop when all of a sudden, you lose your grip on the laptop , causing the poor thing to crash to the ground.The biggest casualty is your laptop screen which has cracked into several broken pieces.. But not to worry! We are going to learn how to replace the cracked laptop screen . Except that you'll need to get  new laptop screen.  You can get  a replacement screen at online stores such as eBay. Here is how to replace a cracked laptop screen

What tools are we going to need for this exercise?

  • brand new laptop screen
  • Micro Screwdrivers
  • Tweezers

Now Onward!

  • Open the bezel of your laptop and gently remove the screen with your screwdriver. Be care here to avoid getting cut by the broken glass
  • Using your tweezer,remove the cable connecting the screen to the motherboard. In case you 're wondering where the cable is, it's found behind the hinge which holds the screen.
  • Now that you have removed the cracked screen, fix the new screen by re-connecting the parts in the way that you first found them.
Hope this works.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Laptop Charger Chord is Frayed.

One fine day you're about to charge your laptop when you notice your laptop charger chord is frayed. You aks yourself "This cant be. My charger  is supposed to be injury free." Well, guess what? While you were  plugging and unplugging your charger numerous times, your chord was taking a beating causing the chord to slowly wear and tear. 

A frayed charger chord can be quite dangerous because not only can does it damage your your system battery, but it can also  start a fire as well.  I'm gonna  do two things. First, I'm going to show you how to fix a frayed charger chord.We're going to need a few things: silicone sealant, and painter's tape.

Get Some Sealant

  • First get some  sealant( ointment) and insulate the charger. 
  • Make sure the sealant color matches that of your charger. But it's okay to use clear sealant as well. 
  • To protect the working area, spread out a strip of painter's tape on the surface with the sticky side facing down and placed the frayed part of the chord on top of the tape. 
  • Next squeeze out a liberal coating of sealant on the frayed part of the charger chord and massage the sealant into place. 
  • Please wear protective gloves if you have   sensitive skin. 
  • Then let the sealant sit in for an hour, maybe two until it hardens. Next, remove the chord from the tape and the tape from the table and you should have a repaired charger chord looking brand new.

The Second thing I'm going to do is to show you the alternative to fixing the frayed charger chord by yourself. If you are in a hurry to buy a new laptop charger and you don't have the patience to fix the frayed charger chord yourself, try buying a new charger from the following places: and

Opportunity To Learn How to Fix Your Own Laptop.
If you want to learn how to fix your laptop,  Download Official Laptop Repair Videos .  As an accompaniment to the videos, I suggest The Laptop Repair Workbook: An Introduction to Troubleshooting and Repairing Laptop Computers. You get flow chart illustrations and explanations on how to fix laptop. And it includes a glossary fo laptop terms.