Monday, December 9, 2013

How To Fix The Power Supply Of A Laptop

You're working on your laptop one fine day when out of the blue the screen goes blank! The first thought racing through your mind is "Please don't tell me it's a virus!"   At ease  my friend! It's not a virus. The cause of your laptop going blank is your power supply. There are quite a few factors behind loss of power supply,  but the most  cause is the wire to the laptop's connector jack being ripped out of place. To fix this, you're going to have to fix the alternate current(AC for short) wire. So onward on how to fix the power Supply of a Laptop

Things You Need For This Exercise

  • Wire cutter
  • Electrical Tape
  • Aluminium foil
  • First remove the outlet from both the laptop
  • Then use a wire cutter  to cut the  wire at any point beyond the damaged area. Leave a little space between the damaged area and the cut so it doesn't cause damage to the wires  you're going to reconnect.
  • Cut the damaged wire completely from the connector jack, leaving as little damaged wire as possible. However, the thick casing near the connector jack also contains basic wiring. You can cut if you want to but the casing is only there for support purposes.
  • Now carefully start cutting the outer plastic of both ends of the  wires, about a centimeter from the end. Be very gentle with this or you risk cutting the wires wrapped around the inner insulation... And then remove the excess plastic in the process.
  • Get the wrapped wires out of the way and gently cut the insulated plastic a few millimeters from the end.
  • Then twist the two ends of the wire and wrap this connection with a small piece of electrical tape  And make sure  you don't bend the tape.
  • Wrap the outer wire around the electrical tape, making sure the wires don't overlap.
  • If the outer wire near the jack is lacking, use aluminum foil  to complete the connection. Tape this tightly with electrical tape.
  • Finally secure the entire connection with complete electrical tape wrap and then test the connection.
That's a wrap for "How To Fix The Power Supply Of A Laptop"
Till then take care

If you are here and you want to learn how to fix laptops as a career or past time, Download Laptop Repair Made Easy