Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What to Do When Your Laptop Keeps Shutting Down

You've been using using your  Acer Aspire laptop for about four months. everything is  hunky dory. Then all of a sudden, your laptop starts shutting down without warning. You start wondering "What in the world is going on? I've only had this laptop for four months."  Well, even  brand new laptops do have problems. So I am going to show you what to do when your laptop keeps  shutting down.

Perform a Virus Scan.
Yes it's absolute crucial that you perform a virus scan. You know, whenever you browse a lot of sites at once, your laptop is susceptible to viruses and other kinds of malware. In case you suspect that your laptop is infected, do a virus scan just to keep your mind at ease. If you are looking for a quality reliable antivirus  Download Kaspersky.  

Check Your Laptop Battery
Yes, you need to check your laptop battery for possible faultiness. Statistics suggest that about 80% of all shut downs are caused by faulty batteries. I liken laptops to mobile phones, and just like mobile phones they are prone to breaking down. It's more so when your laptop is battery-powered. Even if your laptop is powered from the mains, it is still going to break down.  So to ascertain the health of your battery, you take the battery out  and plug the laptop directly into the mains and see if you experience shutdowns. your laptop is still shutting down, I suggest you get a new battery. And for you Acer Aspire users looking for a new battery, here is your Replacement  Battery.

Look Out For a Faulty Adapter.
Yes, be on the lookout for a faulty adapter. It may be suffering from lack of TLC or eventual wear and tear or a manufacturing flaw. Just to make sure your adapter is in good health, get a spare adapter whose laptop is identical to yours and replace it to see whether it solves the problem. Or trying shaking the chord connecting the adapter to your laptop  to see whether it stabilizes the problem. If it does, then your adaptor needs replacing. Meaning you have to go to the store to get a new one. And if you are an Acer Aspire laptop user looking for a replacement adapter, Here It Is.

Faulty Cooling Fan
It is also possible that a faulty cooling fan is causing your laptop to shut down. This happens when your laptop overheats and when that happens your laptop automatically shuts down to to, prevent serious damage. So to make sure your laptop is spic and span,  observe whether your laptop shuts down after the same amount of time. If it does, then your laptop is shutting down duet to overheating. Then feel the underside of your laptop to see whether it is unusually hot. If so, then you need to get your cooling fan replaced.  And if you  are an Acer Aspire owner looking for a new cooling fan, You Can Get It Right Here. 

So there you have it as to what to do when your laptop keep shutting down. the above causes could be behind your laptop shutting down. So Anytime your laptop shuts down apply the above suggestions. And if you want to learn how to fix your own laptop instead of a techie blowing holes in your wallet, Download Laptop Repair Videos  and  The Laptop Repair Workbook: An Introduction to Troubleshooting and Repairing Laptop Computers.

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