Saturday, September 22, 2012

How To Swap a Dead Laptop Battery For a New Laptop Battery

Now we all love our laptops to death. I know I do! I  can work at home with it, and if I want to, I could work on the beach with it.  Left to you alone, some of you wouldnt mind working in a cave with it..(Let's hope it doesn't come to that).  The bad news is that with time your laptop battery loses its charge.  If you want your laptop to last stay close to the wall outlets. But not to worry, even if your battery goes dead you can swap for a new one. Here is how to swap a dead laptop battery for a new laptop battery.

  • First, buy a new laptop battery.
  • After  accomplishing this task, turn your focus on your laptop. First flip your laptop over abd locate the battery compartment.  Release the latch and take out the old battery.  
  • To install the new laptop battery , align its receptor pins with those of the battery compartment.  Push down the opposite end of the   to snap in place.
  • Tighten the latch by sliding it to its original position.
  • Plug the laptop to charge the new battery  . It should take 24 hrs to charge  the battery.  But subsequent charges  should take abt 30 minutes.

That's a wrap on How To Swap a Dead Laptop Battery for A New Laptop Battery. .  This shoudnt take too long to accomplish...Hopefully you'll find this battery swap a walk in the park


If you are a laptop owner looking learn how to fix laptops including fixing laptop batteries, try either of the following laptop repair training products:

For further  explanation of laptop terminology and graphical illustration of troubleshooting procedures, 
Click to Purchase The Laptop Repair Workbook: An Introduction to Troubleshooting and Repairing Laptop Computers

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