Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to Replace a Cracked Laptop Screen.

One fine day, you are busy browsing and chatting online on your laptop when all of a sudden, you lose your grip on the laptop , causing the poor thing to crash to the ground.The biggest casualty is your laptop screen which has cracked into several broken pieces.. But not to worry! We are going to learn how to replace the cracked laptop screen . Except that you'll need to get  new laptop screen.  You can get  a replacement screen at online stores such as eBay. Here is how to replace a cracked laptop screen

What tools are we going to need for this exercise?

  • brand new laptop screen
  • Micro Screwdrivers
  • Tweezers

Now Onward!

  • Open the bezel of your laptop and gently remove the screen with your screwdriver. Be care here to avoid getting cut by the broken glass
  • Using your tweezer,remove the cable connecting the screen to the motherboard. In case you 're wondering where the cable is, it's found behind the hinge which holds the screen.
  • Now that you have removed the cracked screen, fix the new screen by re-connecting the parts in the way that you first found them.
Hope this works.

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