Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How To Regain Your Wireless Connection Signal.

Let's say you're browsing on your Toshiba laptop at what you think is the hottest hotspot around. Much to your shock and dismay you discover that your wireless connection signal keeps dropping off. Your first reaction is "  This cant be happening. I thought this was the hottest hotspot around." So after some meticulous troubleshooting, you disable your adapter in the hope of re-enabling it again. Again. the laptop freezes, forcing you to restart again. And you throw your hands up in frustration, saying, "I give up!"

Well, the cause of your misery is the driver for your Wireless Network Adapter. It has expired! gone kaput. the constant interference from other external devices  affects the driver causing your  wireless signal to drop off. Once that happens no amount of re-starting or any other gimmicks will make your laptop regain the lost signal.

Let me show you how to regain your wireless connection signal.

  • Open the device Manager
  • right click on the device and select"Update Driver"
  • After updating the driver, try changing the wireless channel to avoid future interference from other electronic devices.
  • After changing the wireless channel, browsing life should be back to normal

If  you're still not getting your wireless signal. I suggest you get a new   Wireless / WiFi Adapter 

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Follow the above instructions and you wont need to suffer interference from external objects.

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