Friday, February 11, 2011

Your Hard Drive Has Crashed

You are in the middle of a very important document when all of a sudden  you hear this clicking sound resembling a drum beat or that famous grrrrrrrrrrrrrr sound! I've come some bad news for you! Your hard drive has crashed, kaput, finito. . I'm sure your next question, is 'How did that happen?

Well, there are four possible causes

Head Crash
The first possibility is a head crash. And I'm not talking of banging of human heads here! This is caused by the head of your laptop's hard disk rubbing(or scratching) against the surface of the disk. In that case, turn your laptop off and get a new one.

Bad Sectors
Bad sectors come about due to physical damage to the disk. This is a consequence of the clicking sound that I described earlier because the disk head is trying ever so hard to read the damaged disk so many times even though the damaged disk is crying" I'm sick and in need of a doctor." The clicking sound also occurs when the disk head fails to read the disk's media tracks caused by the deterioration of the hard disk's magnetic domain which activates the hard disk's reset mechanism. Assuming the disk is not yet damaged goods, it wouldn't hurt to do a disk surface scan . This helps identify all the bad sectors and avoid fresh data  being written on the damaged areas on the disk.  If you need software to help you fix bad sectors, I suggest Reimage.  . It's the most reliable sector repair tool around.

Mechanical Faults
This is a strong signal that your disk is about to crash!  Mechanical faults are sounds caused by defects such a faulty spindle, a flawed right head or loose components. If I were you I'd back up all my data, that is if you can still access it. If you're not sure of how to recover your data, take your laptop to the nearest repair shop. The techs should be able to help you out. But if you're anxious to recover the data yourself, I suggest  Restore My Files. This recovery tool will help you recover all your files.

Virtual Memory Paging
This is where your hard disk does a double shift! when the hard disk's physical memory fills up, The hard disk performs virtual memory paging while running the operating system at the same time. The problem with this scenario is that it puts undue stress on the hard disk.   You can remedy this problem by adding more RAM to your hard disk or get a secondary disk to store the swap files.  These files act as the virtual memory extension of the physical memory of the hard disk.

So that's a wrap on  what to do when your hard drive has crashed. A hard disk crash can be very distressful. It just throws your whole day, not to mention life, upside down.So long as you recognize the above scenarios and act accordingly you'll do fine. If you want to learn how to  fix your laptop including testing your hard disk, Click to Watch Laptop Repair Videos in HD

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