Thursday, July 7, 2011

No Operating System Found

So far your Fujitsu laptop is  playing great. It's functioning at the right speed and you're enjoying it to the max. So far so good. Until one fine day you turn the laptop on  only to see this scary message on your screen "NO OPERATING SYSTEM FOUND!"  You're like! "I've only been using this laptop for three years. This cant be happening." So you check your bios, and much to your horror, there is no hard disk.(BP starts rising). Not only is there no hard disk, but you can't even turn the hard drive button on. Even worse, your IDE legacy says 'Disabled. You start wondering "Is my hard drive faulty?"

Let's try a few possibilities.  Assuming the bios in your laptop doesn't recognize the hard drive, either the hard drive has gone kaput or there are some loose screws on the hard disk somewhere. Also this situation happens when   you accidentally knock the laptop to the ground. When that happens, the hard disk suffers considerable trauma , causing it to go kaput.

Another  scenario that could cause the hard disk to go kaput is leaving it on overnight on hibernation. Hibernation seems cool for a while. But at some point, the  laptop being all night 24/7 is bound to take its toll on  the hard disk causing it  to give in.

Now what to do in a situation like this? you could try a few things.  First, make sure the drive is properly connected. Then take the hard disk out and check the pins for damage and slide the hard disk back in...carefully of course. If the hard disk is not recognized,  you may need to fit the the disk in another laptop  by way of an external adapter to check whether the laptop works. if it doesn't work, then your hard disk has issues. You  will have to take it the technician to have it looked at. .

Another suggestion would be to to borrow a friend's laptop and go online to  download the "HDD diagnostic utility" from the website of the manufacturer of your hard disk. Then copy the program on your empty CD, and  the CD in the CD-ROM of your laptop. Then test your laptop hard disk for errors. Hope it works.

Wanna Learn How to fix Your  Laptop?

Download Laptop Repair Videos 

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