Wednesday, February 26, 2014

How To Replace A Motherboard

I know it's possible to fix a motherboard but what if it can't be fixed and you have to replace the faulty motherboard with a new one? To perform this replacement, you need to thoroughly understand how the components in the laptop work. Failure to do that and you could put your laptop permanently out of commission. Make sure you back up all your personal data as well before you commence.

Here is how to replace a motherboard:

Things Needed For This Exercise:
  • Phillips-head screwdriver
  • Pliers
  • New motherboard
Unplug All Power Resources
Unplug all power sources to your laptop and unscrew the screws securing the laptop casing , then put the screws in a bowl so they don't get lost. Now remove all the connections to the motherboard-i.e video card, data cables for the hard drive, and adapters. If you are memory challenged, label each one of the components so you can remember exactly where they attach to your new motherboard.

 Take Out Old Motherboard
Take out the old motherboard by removing the screws and sliding it out. Be careful when sliding it out  to avoid any damage. Take out cut-outs for integrated sound or game ports and then slide the wires in.  Do this with a Phillips screwdriver or pliers Then put the new motherboard in the laptop case. Makes sure it lines up properly with the case before connecting it.  Next use the seven screws to secure the motherboard.

Attach Drivers Drives and Power Connectors
You then attach the adapters, drives, and power connectors to the motherboard. Locate where you labelled everything and install them in the same places you dislodged them previously.Finally, Put the laptop case back on and turn the power supply on.
That's a wrap on "How To Replace  A Motherboard." 

Till then take care

If you are here and you want to learn how to fix laptops as a career or past time, Download Laptop Repair Made Easy

Friday, February 14, 2014

How To Fix Ailing Memory Ports On A Laptop

Various memory  ports on a laptop such  USB drives or internal card  reader slots can stop functioning completely if for some strange reason you contrive to delete  their device drivers or install new software that conflicts with already installed drivers.  Fortunately there are several ways of troubleshooting  and repairing such a problem. Here is how to fix ailing memory ports  on a laptop.

Remove The Memory Card
Remove the memory card from a port and insert it the port of the  same laptop or a different laptop to ascertain whether it's at fault. If the port is at fault, then go ahead and open the "Start" menu on your laptop. Next click on the" My Computer" icon to see the list of devices connected to the laptop. Next insert a memory card into the port and then wait to see if the card appears in the list of devices  connected to the laptop. Next, click on the button at the top of the window called "Map Network Drive.

Select Drive Letter For Memory Port
Now select a drive letter for the memory port from the drop down menu at the center of the window and then click Ok.   Now remove the memory  card and insert it back into the memory port and attempt to use it again. Now close the "My Computer: window and open the 'Control Panel" entry in the "Start" menu.  Now double click on the"Device Manager" icon. Scroll through the entries of the  Device Manager and locate the faulty port.  Right click the name of the driver and choose the"Update Driver" option. Next click on OK and wait for the latest port driver to download to your laptop  Then remove and reinsert the memory card to try to use it again.

Now right click on the name of the downloaded device and choose"properties."  Now move on the tab labelled"Power Management"  and locate the checkbox marked"Let the computer turn off the device to conserve energy." Now  click on the box to remove the checkmark. Click on Ok and attempt to use the memory card again. Remove the card if it's still not working. Now right click the  name of the port and click "Install." Wait for the software to finish installing and then click on the "Start" menu and choose "Restart."

Put Memory Card Back In Port
Then put the memory card back in the port after the computer restarts. Now click on "Next"  when a window pops up prompting you to install the software for the memory port. Next click on "Install" and wait for the port to finish installing and then attempt  to use the memory port again. Open the "Start" menu and choose the"Restart" option.   Press F1 as soon as the manufacturer's logo  shows up on the monitor. And then use the Down arrow to navigate through the menu that appears.You then highlight the Advanced feature and then press the "Enter" key.Now highlight the "USB Support" entry when a new list of options, and press the"Enter" key to enable the USB port on your  laptop's motherboard. Next press the F10  and wait for your laptop to finish booting up.

Now try using the memory card again.  Now download the USB 2,0 driver online and restart the laptop..If you're using Windows download form Microsoft's website. If you're using MAC OS, you can get the drivers at Apple's web site. Finally, Try using the memory card again on the port to ascertain whether the laptop port is true fit.

That's a wrap for"How To Fix Ailing Memory Ports On A Laptop" 

Till then take care

If you are here and you want to learn how to fix laptops as a career or past time, Download Laptop Repair Made Easy

Thursday, February 6, 2014

How To Get Your Laptop Inverter Board To Work

Is the LCD screen on your laptop showing signs or darkness or dimness? Chances are your laptop inverter board isn't working. The laptop inverter board is a strip found behind  the screen of the laptop. It provides power to the backlight in order to create light needed  to make   your laptop screen bright. So whenever your laptop screen has lighting problems, the laptop inverter board should be the first point of call. Let me show you how to get your laptop inverter board to work.

Things you need for this exercise
  • Phillips#2 screwdriver
  • Awl
  • Replacement laptop inverter board

Now onward to the exercise.

Turn Off The Laptop

First turn off the laptop and remove the power adapter. Remove all external devices and then flip the laptop over.Unlock and remove the battery pack from the bottom of the laptop.

Turn The Laptop Over 
Turn the laptop over again and open the monitor screen.  Now open up the keyboard edge cover just above the top row of keys using an awl  or flathead screwdriver.Then move the keyboard edge from the laptop. Now remove the rubber placer  grommets along the front edge of the screen bezel with an awl. And then loosen and remove the screws holding the screen bezel. Use the awl to remove the two pieces of the screen brezel and remove the front one.

Disconnect LCD 
Next disconnect the LCD backlight bulb from the motherbulb near the base of the LCD screen.  And then remove the screws holding the laptop inverter board. After removing the screws, you then remove the inverter board and set it aside. Next, connect the wire for the new inverterboard to the motherboard connector. After connecting both wires, connect the back side board on the right side of the new inverterNow replace the bezel and secure it with the retaining screws.  Insert the grommets and press them into place.

Finally, use the same steps you used to put it back again.

Well That's a wrap for "How To Get Your Laptop Inverter Board To Work ". 

Till then take care

If you are here and you want to learn how to fix laptops as a career or past time, Download Laptop Repair Made Easy